Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I use the FM feature in my cell phone to the fullest extent at night. Songs from the available stations continue to play right from around 2200 hours to 0700 hours the next morning. Till 0000 hours I keep changing stations. 0000 hours till 0100 hours I listen to 94.3. I later switch over to Indigo.

The night before last at around 0257 hours, I was woken up by the song ‘I still’ by BSB being played on Indigo. It had been a really long time since I’d actually heard that track from BSB’s previous album. It reminded me of my first year in college. My 1st PU.
BSB songs, the ones from the album ‘Never gone’ specifically, evoke one picture in my mind. The dark grey skies as seen from the 4th floor where our classroom back then was located. And the rain and wind too. It also brings back a kind of mood that I’ll try my best to describe here. Its something like a ‘mazed’ mind. I really am not able to elucidate it well. More like, a mystified yet at peace state of mind. Heck! I was barely 17 then! Those songs ALWAYS do bring that feeling in me. And that scene from outside our classroom. Lovely location that, you know? It was the airiest room ever. High above the rest. I miss that place.

But I still am not able to get over that response I get from myself whenever I listen to BSB.

It’s a nice feeling though.


Anonymous said...

Ya know Thej, even I've got strong attachments with that album. And, that track. :D

I too have a certain "image" associated with that album.
Or rather, a haze of colors.
Black and bottle green, and people in camel yellow against that background :D

P.S.: FM Rocks!! X3

Anonymous said...

I agree few songs are associated with memories and moments.. :)
First PU class room was too good no? worst part was- water used to drip at where i was sitting-exactly!! HEH
What fun we had!!
And for FM, i listen to it very rarely... 'cos too many ads.. and for night, i have got my own playlist.. :)

FlowerPowerBoi said...

I don't like Backstreet Boys. But I dance like a weird freak whenever their songs play. And I know lyrics of some songs too. Its sort of disturbing. Please don't display this comment.


Anonymous said...

Why are you so cruel? Letting your blog die! Hmph